This morning, my husband got ready for cricket. And, I was astonished at my rather emotional internal reaction when he said goodbye. I've never made a garment for anyone before, and to see it on him was quite moving. My external reaction of course was to rush for the camera and order him around on his way out the door.
About five minutes after he left it started to rain, and that was about five hours ago. I don't think they'd have played in that kind of weather, but he hasn't returned home yet. Hmmm, half his luck! It's been blessfully quiet here, both kids have been playing at friend's houses and I've been alone. Bliss.
Roll on university days when they'll (hopefully) move out.
I bought myself a little present yesterday at the Farmer's Market, a vintage tea set. I just love Fridays, I wander through and pick up a hunk of cheese or cured meat or olives, a sourdough baguette and a few organic veges for dinner. A glimmer of bohemia in what is usually the cultural wasteland of suburbia. Yesterday a little something on a table laden with vintage stuff caught my eye. It is evocative of 60's and 70's 'lustreware', and may even be that old. And the price was so low, if I told you you'd laugh.

There's been a bit of knitting too, now that the pressure and tedium of the cricket vest is behind me, I'm free to work on some WIP's. I've made a firm commitment to knit nothing but WIP's in November, and cast on for the Ivel Coat in December. Hopefully the exchange rate will improve a little, and I'll be able to save a little stash money during November, because the yarn is going to set me back a very hefty sum.
Bells, I haven't emailed you (or left a message for that matter) but I'm in! I've been working on a lace project off and on (mostly off) for a few months now, but I'm going to finish it this summer, the summer of lace. It's so hard to photograph lace, but here's the progress shot. I just noticed it looks like a beret!

Here's the pattern (that's two A4 sheets, landscape, stickied together), and the GREAT present Donna bought me on Tuesday - highlighter tape. Why they don't have this simple stationery item in Australia is criminal I tell you. It's such a great helper, especially for those long pattern rows.

And here's what it looks like finished (as my progress shot isn't much use for visualising that). I'm up to the tip of the fourth big leaf from the centre, about to embark on a pattern change (14 repeats per round, woo hoo) and what looks like very large expanses of hex mesh.

are you serious? You've never knit for someone else? That's amazing! My nephew thinks I only knit for other people!
And you are signed up as of this moment!
I'm amazed too!! It is a fabulous Cricket Jumper and he looks very Baggy Green
Gorgeous tea set but I am all elbows about your lovely green lace!!!
I love your husband's cricket vest and that you got all "funny" when you saw him wearing it!
I also love (no, I LOVE) the green lace - amazing!
oooh...love that vest you knitted!!! the jumper that i knitted for my DH...think he only wore it once...tsk tsk tsk
anyway, that green lace is looking great!! i love the colour!!!!
So when's the tea party?
Hubby looks great! I'm sure it kept him very warm when he was at the pub!
I can't wait to see the shawl - it's going to look absolutely stunning in the green, if the photo is anything to go by.
And my mum had that lustrewear tea and coffee set, but the pots came in the gold too. She's never used them - I think they are still in their boxes!
I love that lace pattern - it has all the crazy of Hyrna, but I like it even more. One day, when I have enough brain to keep the same thought going for more than ten seconds...
Re the lace, I am amazed that you can make something like that with your own hands. Not amazed as in, "Oh, I can't believeyou can do that", but amazed that anyone can make something so delicate and beautiful using some wool and a couple of sticks.
Your husband looks great in the vest. The lace looks gorgeous & complicated. I have been looking for the higlighter tape too!
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