Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dirty old Town

Not any more. The change in the Dublin streetscape since last time I was there is incredible*. The Christmas lights are gorgeous, the window displays breathtaking, lash bars and dental spas (yes, lash bars! dental spas!) have replaced greasy caffs.

The new spire is staggering in it's simplicity and sheer size. I even liked the multicoloured christmas ball tree.

My husbands father passed away, so we did a whirlwind 6 days in Dublin. Personally it was a pretty tough time (more so for my husband), punctuated with many decades of the rosary. Alan's warm Irish family were/are wonderful - oh the tyranny of distance.

The day before we left, I went into Dublin city and took some photo's. The light was fading fast (after all it was almost four thirty in the afternoon) but I managed to get a few shots in.

Here are some. More here.

(* I only saw one puddle of dry spew. Last time I recall them being a feature of Dublin streets)


M-H said...

We really liked Dublin, although we found all the empty building sites a bit puzzling. I hoe the financial stuff hasn't hit them too hard - they seemed to be so largely dependent on tourism.

Ruby Girl said...

good to see you are home. The picture are great. That tall ball like tree is does that light up and change colour in the dark? I have friends near Dublin and they sent photos of their kids near that tree, beautiful.

Rose Red said...

I love Dublin - I know the second time I went there I thought it was so much nicer than it was the first time I was there (probably about 8 or 9 years apart). I'm just so sorry that you had to be there for such a sad reason.

Meg said...

Familiar sights, all looking strangely squeaky clean! Best to you.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the reason for your rush trip. Hope you and yours are well.

looking forward to visiting Dublin myself in the not so distant future. thanks for all your good wishes.