And then Buffy vs Edward went viral.
And what I ended up with is this.

Count Sockular. Mostly charcoal, silver and white with big flashes of real red. Plus a mini-skein of charcoal suit for the toes and/or heels. In the store now, for all you vampire lovers out there.
Lava still in production, as you know it can take several million years to come to fruition.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I had to immediately go to etsy and buy before I even commented!! LOVE THIS COLOUR!!
RoseRed, if you've bought it all before I get over there, there's going to be trouble!!!!
I've missed out - just not quick enough! I particularly like the contrasting mini-skein. So lovely.
Are you yarn stalking again Rose? ;-)
Loved the colour combo knitabulous. I'll just have to be quicker next time :-)
Love it, love it, love it!
Charmaine sent me here...that is a really gorgeous colourway.
Oooh and you had some more in stock. I just bought two, one for me and one for Jocelyn. There's still one left for someone lucky!
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