Saturday, July 25, 2009

Twenty five planes this year. And it's only July

In the eighties, I used to love ETBG. Before they released missing, of course, and then they were a jazz band and not a dance band. And man, did I sing those songs at the top of my voice! One of my favourites is 'one place' and although this version isn't as good as the one I had on cd, the beautiful lyrics are all there.

I spend a lot of time thinking about moving. I can't imagine ever feeling that a house could be somewhere you'd live, like, forever. And so, Alan and I are planning our move. Again. There's a bit to do around this place before it'll be ready for sale, and that might take a year or so to complete, but we've decided. We're going to move somewhere else. Now, just do decide where.

Because 'in the end if you take care, you can be happy or unhappy anywhere.'

School holidays have ended too soon. I love school holidays, the time I get to spend with my kids without the routine of school. My children (of whom I hardly ever speak) are just the best company. Which is good, because husband had to work about 120 hours this week, so the company put him up in a hotel in the city. We went along for the trip, and although we hardly ever saw him, we got to spend a lot of time up here.

On top of the world. Well, it felt like it a bit anyway.

It's hard to believe it's July isn't it? It should have been freezing cold, but it wasn't!


Bells said...

gorgeous photos! What a view.

So does that mean Canberra still might get the Knitabulous family?

Justine said...

Auck-land, Auck-land!

sorry, I know thats not an option

hey is that the Marriot?

limegreenjello said...

The rooftop looks beautiful!
(although I had to do a doubletake at the sweater your girl is wearing... July in your neck of the woods might be chilly, but in the states it's hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk...)

M-H said...

Are you thinking of moving to the Really Big Smoke? I hope so!

DrK said...

how exciting, planning a move. a lot more fun than the actual moving part. but still, new horizons and all that!