Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I love Wednesdays

I really love Wednesdays. It's like my own private Saturday morning. It's the day I get to press the snooze button twice, and still have enough time to get the kids off to the school bus in a reasonably calm manner at 8:30.

Then I make a pot of coffee and think about what I'm going to get done this week. The possibilities stretch out before me and I love the feeling of freedom and anticipation. It's been six years since I left my fulltime job, and I still feel like I'm wagging school! It's a strange feeling of guilt and pleasure wrapped into one.

I've been obsessing lately about jewel tones. And macarons - a local girl is making them and they've been popping up in my favourite cafes all over town. It's exciting to see them, it reminds me of the 80's when Wollongong finally woke up to focaccia (and some places haven't let it go yet) - although I must admit I think the macaron looks a great deal more enticing than it tastes.

The knitabulous yarn website is getting very close to launch - I've got a few little things to iron out with the template but fingers crossed it will be this week. I'm working furiously on photography this week, capturing colours in the yarn is the bane of my life!

I've also been collaborating with an amazing US designer on a new shawl design - she's done the design and I'm doing the yarn colours to match - the concept of the whole thing is blowing my mind and I just can't wait to unveil it to you.

I'm trying to come up with innovative launch ideas - there'll more than likely be prizes involved - so I encourage you to join the mailing list over there on the right sidebar if you haven't already.

(Almost finished baby cables and big ones too - hopefully by the weekend I can post pictures ...)

Can you see the macaron obsession here?


2paw said...

That sounds so exciting!!! I love the colours too, but especially the greeny aqua, it's lovely!!! Hope it all goes really smoothly!!

Yarna said...

The colours looks so enticing! Good luck with it all - can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

DrK said...

now you have to think of macaron inspired yarn names. salty caramel anyone? yummo.

soknitpicky said...

Very excited for you! And thank you for the lovely offer. The Habu I'm using is actually more of an olive brown than a gray. I'm sure my LYS will have some more, though it's been so long since I bought my current skeins that they might not match, so I'm really hoping I don't need more. I really love the Coralie earrings from the latest Knitty; you could always make something like that or like the necklace the designer also has.

P.S. love the yarn cupcake photo

Melissa said...

I love the colour of the yarn on the bottom of the last photo. Just gorgeous. The website launch sounds exciting and terrifying at the same time. Good luck!

Rose Red said...

So much excitement! I can't remember if I'm on the mailing list or not, so will sign up immediately!

Ann said...

This is very exciting & can't wait to see your new shop & yarn. I love the colors especially the bottom 2 blues.

LynS said...

I'm so looking forward to your new website - and of course all the wonderful things it will contain. It should be just about in time for me to 'reward' myself with a housewarming present! Like RoseRed, I'm not sure if I'm already signed up, but will do so.

kgirlknits said...

Jewel tones, you say? well, know you're just speaking my language ;)

good luck with the launch, hope it all goes very smoothly and is a huge success!

and mmmm, macaroons....