Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ain't it always the way?

I forgot something.

After I lamented the price of the yarn for the Ivel coat, co-incidentally Janette's Rare Yarns sent an email the next day offering a discount due to the pound weakening against the USD.

I took that as a sign, so I ordered the wool-cotton for the Ivel Coat on Thursday.

I reasoned it thus; I'll get the wool-cotton today, and then next fortnight (when I am due a retrospective salary increase from July) I'll get the ksh. It's not like my job is going to dry up, there will always be another pay day.

Wrong! Yesterday (Friday), my extended contract at work was cancelled.

So it's back to 2 days a week for me and my wool budget. Back to mornings at the gym, midweek knitting meetups, impromptu jaunts to Berry, pickup time at school, drop-ins at the woolshop with bonus temari ball workshops.

Do I sound bothered? Not on your Nelly!


Michelle said...

Oh bugger! But yay! But bugger! I'm on a three month contract which they keep saying will be extended, but I have my fears, so I'm currently looking for a part-time permanent gig. This working full-time thing is for mugs, I reckon! Would much rather NOT be working so hard.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous socks, I am sure they are Karma's way of repaying you for this boogelliness!!! Typical, but you have the yarn coming to cheer you up and you can knit in your down time from work!!

Rose Red said...

Love the socks. Bugger about the job. But yay about the free time. And the lovely yarn...

I've practically been begging to be made redundant. All that lovely knitting time is so so tempting...

kgirlknits said...

sounds like a blessing (apart from the obvious decline in wool-budget, natch!)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Lunch?